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What To Include In A Funeral Order of Service


Writing the wording for a funeral order of service booklet can be difficult. Here are a few ideas to help you plan the booklet.

What is a Funeral Order of Service Booklet?

The order of service will guide funeral attendees through the ceremony. Mourners may keep the booklet as a memento to look back on, reminding them of the departed. Furthermore, the order of service can also serve as a touching tribute to your loved one.

Funeral Order of Service - Lemon & Lilac Flowers Border

The Cover

The front cover of the stationery will traditionally include the name of the deceased, their date of birth and death, and the funeral venue. You can also include a photograph of the departed and a quote or message to commemorate them.

Funeral Order of Service - Shooting Star Pink

The Content

Because the booklet outlines the service, the content will depend much on the ceremony you have planned. It should show the order in which each part of the service will be carried out.

Funeral Order of Service - Sea View Path Photo

To illustrate, here is an example of a traditional funeral service and how it relates to the order of service:

The service would begin by crediting the entrance music used at the start of the service. Next, it would note the name of the officiant who will be conducting the introduction. Continuing, it would include the names and authors of any poems, hymns, songs, or readings performed at the ceremony. You can add lyrics and prose to the booklet so mourners can follow along. The booklet would also list the names of those delivering a eulogy or funeral speech. Finally, it would conclude with the committal, dismissal, blessing, and the exit music.

Of course, this is an example. You can tailor the content to match the service you have organised. The key is to show the chronological order in which the service will take place.

In addition to containing the details of the ceremony, you can also add words of remembrance, photographs, and other content to pay tribute to your loved one.

Funeral Order of Service - Roses & Lavender

The Back

On the back cover, you can include a message of thanks to those who have supported you and to everyone who attended the funeral. This wording can be joined by more photographs if you wish. In addition, if you are collecting charity donations, you can leave words of gratitude for people who have contributed.