With the outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19), this is a scary and confusing time for so many of us and can feel incredibly lonely. Whilst many of us are self-isolating with our partners or kids, it can still be a very unsettling and isolated time.
We’ve prepared some tips to help you out. These are our top tips for not feeling isolated during self-isolation:
Stay in touch
Staying in touch with friends, family, and co-workers during this time is key to not feeling lonely. Everyone is going through this situation together, and you'd be surprised by how many people feel as isolated as you do.
Phone calls and video calls are excellent for communicating during this time, and great for staying connected. Your kids can also stay connected with their friends and family over the phone, making the situation much easier for everyone to deal with.

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Ready to Write Thank You Cards - Bright Summer Flowers
You could also take this time to write some letters to loved ones. Writing letters is definitely a lost art, but can be so much fun and is sure to brighten up someone’s day. Check out our blog '
Long Lost Tradition of Writing Cards' to find out our reasons for writing letters and cards!
Organise things after work
If you are working from home, be sure to organise some things to do that are away from this.
Getting busy with activities and hobbies is proving to be difficult when everyone is staying home, but there are still different things that you can get up to after work.
Whether that’s studying, practising yoga over video call with a friend, or helping the kids with some artwork. There are lots of things you can occupy yourself with.
Find a distraction
Likewise, another top tip for not feeling isolated is to find a healthy distraction to keep you busy.
This really is the perfect time to get ahead with your cleaning, and have a traditional 'Spring Clean'. Whether that’s just getting the laundry out of the way, or having a full clean-out, it can feel incredibly therapeutic, and it's another thing you won't have to worry about after the isolation has finished.
Anything that you don’t use can be donated to a charity after, so it's also a great way to help those in need. You may also want to start selling your items online as an easy way to get some extra cash.
Cook or bake
If you enjoy getting creative in the kitchen, why not take this time to try out some new recipes, and make some delicious meals. Put the music on, and get cooking!
You may also want to use this time to stay healthy! It can be very tempting to eat all of the snacks when you have nothing else to do, but it's probably not a good idea.
Use online workouts to stay on track with your exercise, and find like-minded people.
Plan for the future
This is also a great time to plan for the future. Maybe you have found that you can easily live with less, or have realised what your true priorities are. Set some goals for yourself, and find out ways to achieve your dreams.
Take up a new skill
Why not take up a new skill? It can be so much fun, and is a great way to meet people.
You can really make time for skills you otherwise wouldn’t have time for.
Learn a language
The average language takes around 500 hours to learn - but you have the time now!
Some perks of learning a second language include boosted brain power and memory, making new friends, and wider job opportunities.
Learn to play an instrument
An instrument is another fun skill to take up, and will take around 1,000 hours to master. This sounds like a lot, but an hour a day soon adds up!
You can order an instrument online to be delivered - so there really are no excuses to finally learn that instrument you've been interested in for years.
Start a small business
Make the most out of your talents by starting a small business.
There is a market for so many different things. So whether you’re into crafting, designing, or cleaning, you can make the most of this.
Get out of the house as much as possible
Staying inside all day can definitely cause sad feelings, and make you feel even more isolated. We recommend to get out of the house as much as you can, even if that’s just to the garden.
Remember not to visit public places as much as you can, as this can further the spread of Coronavirus, but to go out safely.
We hope this blog has been useful! For more help and advice regarding Coronavirus and working from home, be sure to check out our other recent blogs.