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Moving House Help

Moving House Help
Here at The Card Gallery we are used to helping you through fairly stressful events: weddings, christenings, birthday parties and retirements. But we can also help you out with the 3rd most stressful thing that happens in your life: moving house. Moving house comes after divorce and bereavement in the list of most stressful life events. The process of buying the house can be stressful enough even before you embark on packing up one house into boxes and planning where all the stuff will go in your new house. Then, just when you thought the worst was over, you have to inform so many companies and people of the change of address that you feel like you’re drowning in paperwork. So, we have put together a few tips that will help you get through that paperwork and give you time to make your new house into the home of your dreams. 1. Arrange the post forwarding service with the Post Office in good time – it can take 10 days to set up. 2. Find a check list of companies you need to inform – there are plenty on the internet. 3. Set yourself a schedule for doing them all – you can save money, or at least receive money back from your previous address, from some companies, so get them changed first. 4. Use it as an opportunity to check all your direct debits – if you are moving to a different area you may want to cancel your gym membership and do you really need that magazine on subscription? 5. Find out which of the addresses you can change online, some of them will let you fill in an online form, some just need a phone call and others needs forms in the post. Banks and other financial institutions may require a signature and other verification to prevent fraud, but you will probably be able to download the form from their website. 6. Send out address cards to your family and friends, they are much more likely to note the change the address if it is received by post. Order your address cards before you move so you will be motivated to send them. We can pre-print all the details, so all you need to do is put the address on the envelope! 7. Save on postage costs by doubling up the change of address card. If you move in October time send it with an early Christmas card in November. Alternatively you might be planning a house-warming party or other occasion, so you can send the change of address card with the invitation. A house move is such a major part of your life, it is well worth taking a bit of time to plan everything and make sure you don’t lose contacts with family and friends.