Is it OK to Bring Siblings to a Birthday Party?
Here at Dotty About Paper, we get a lot of questions about birthday invitations. One of the most common queries we get is about bringing guests to a birthday party – namely, the siblings of the invited guest. This is particularly relevant to kids' birthday parties - but how do you navigate this situation? We’ve got some helpful hints to make sure that the next birthday party you attend goes off without a hitch.
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Picture the scenario: your eldest has been invited to a birthday party. Maybe they’re still at nursery, or maybe it’s a gathering of everyone in their class at a soft play centre. But you’ve got other children and feel like it’d be a shame to leave them out of the fun. What do you do?
There are a couple of ways to solve this problem. When you get the invitation and decide to bring the invited guests’ siblings, let the host know in advance. If it’s a parent you know socially, strike up a conversation in the playground or arrange to meet for coffee to explain the situation. Giving them advance warning that you’d like to bring your child’s siblings can help the host prepare in advance for an extra child at the party. Generally, if it’s someone you know well, they won’t have any issue - especially if the child having the birthday party has siblings of their own!
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Top tip: Don’t wait on a text or an email. Give them a call or make the effort to go and see them in person. It’s a lot more personable to speak to each other - and makes sure there are no crossed wires or confused feelings.
Another thing to think about is whether it’s appropriate to bring a sibling to the birthday party. If the general age of the guests is a lot higher or a lot lower than that of the sibling, they might not find the environment enjoyable. They might not even know most of the guests there or have anyone their own age to play with.
Ultimately, the advice is simple. Always check with your host - don’t assume that having a sibling there will automatically be okay.