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01746 766876 | Mon - Fri 8:00am - 4:30pm |

Wedding Photos - Just Cheaper!

If you can’t afford a professional photographer for your wedding day, why not buy some lovely wedding photo albums to match the rest of your wedding stationery and then fill it with photos taken by your friends and family! As well as being a far cheaper option than the many hundreds (and even thousands in some cases) it takes to hire an official photographer, giving your loved ones the task of capturing memories from your special day will make them feel like they've been a real part of your big day. And let's not forget the types of photos that you'll get from their efforts! All the backstage goings-on will be revealed in their candid snaps - from grandma losing her teeth in the punch to the kids throwing some shapes on the dance floor...everything will be revealed once you get the pictures! Most guests will bring their own cameras and camera phones to your wedding but you can always buy some disposable cameras too and save your guests the expense of having the photos developed. If you do choose to fill your lovely wedding photo albums in this way, make sure you put a note in with the wedding favours asking people to send their photos onto you (digitally is good) or designate a bridesmaid or groomsman to be in charge of collection up all the disposable cameras at the end of the night. For just a fraction of the price of a professional photographer you will have some amazing pictures from your special day.