How to Remember Your Child's First Day at School
Your child’s first day at school can be one of mixed feelings: pride, happiness, plus a few nerves and no doubt a tinge of sadness thrown in too. This can make for a very emotional time.
But, from the first uniform photo outside the front door to the delight on their face when you collect them at the end of the day, it will undoubtedly be an occasion you will always want to remember and treasure.
Personalised framed prints
These can be a lovely gift for a treasured friend or family member. They also make a lovely keepsake for yourself.
With a range of options available through Dotty about Paper, you’re guaranteed to find the perfect style to suit your little one, to mark their first day at school. Simply place a photograph in the frame and hang it in pride of place on the wall or atop the fireplace. Prints can contain your child’s name, their school and the date of their first day, providing a lovely keepsake to treasure forever.
Cheer up your workspace
While your little one is settling into school, it can be hard not to miss and worry about them while also trying to get your work done. So, why not brighten up your workspace by putting their ‘first day at school’ photo on a mug to drink your morning coffee out of?
Alternatively, you could collect a few pictures and create your own desk calendar. Even a simple photo block to keep on your desk could be a lovely way to keep your child’s new school adventure fresh in your mind.
Help them settle in quicker
Starting a new school can be a daunting event for any child, with lots of new names and faces to remember. But, as well as you remember their first day for sentimental reasons, it might be a good idea to help them remember their own first day, and hopefully, they'll settle in quicker too.
A nice thought could be to ask your child to draw a picture of someone’s name they learnt on their first day on a small note card. You can then write their new friend’s name next to the drawing and put it on the fridge door. Eventually, after a few days, there should be a whole collection of names and faces of children from their class.