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01746 766876 | Mon - Fri 8:00am - 4:30pm |

Now that baby is here, are you thinking about a Christening?


Well done, your baby is finally here after nine long months (or longer!) of waiting.

The first couple of weeks after your baby's birth are generally filled with well-wishing relatives, a flurry of nappy changes and feeds, and not so much sleep. And, if this is your first baby, it can feel quite daunting. Hopefully, after the first couple of weeks have past and you're starting to settle into a routine, you might want to start thinking about the planning of a christening, or a similar ceremony to announce your baby's arrival to the world. Your brand new baby will spend a lot of his/her time sleeping during these first two weeks, so you can use this time to start planning exactly what you want from your christening event. You can also use the time when you are feeding and changing your baby as planning time - this is when multi-tasking really comes into play! Think about the type of event that you want to create - will it be an intimate affair with just a few friends and family, or a full-on party which you plan on inviting everyone to? Give consideration to the catering requirements and feeding everyone. You may have been used to doing your own nibbles for previous family occasions, but can you really fit it in now that baby is here? If, not delegate to a family member or friend, or look into getting a local company or venue to provide catering for you. Send out some gorgeous christening invitations as early as possible so that you can guarantee the attendance of those who you want to be at the event. Not only will your guests appreciate being asked, but they will also get to keep their gorgeous christening invitations as a keepsake of the spacial milestone. This time last year you weren't even pregnant yet. Could you have even imagined you'd be here just one year later? It really is a miracle, isn't it!