What to Include in a Year 6 Leavers' Book
There's nothing better than making sure that your children have wonderful memories to look back on and primary school is the perfect time to help them do that. It's a bit sad when it comes to an end, but with a leavers' book, you can ensure that your little ones have lots of good wishes and fond messages to revisit whenever they feel like it. With so many pages, there's tons of space in each one to let your kids leave their mark in the most original way. We've put together a few suggestions to get you started:
First and foremost: leavers' messages!
Your students have just spent years perfecting their handwriting skills, so let them show off what they've learned and leave special messages dotted around the book for each other. Perhaps encourage them to write down a special memory that they have with the person who owns the book. You might even want to suggest that they tell each other their favourite thing about the other person.

Featured Product: Fun Doodles - Personalised A5 Wiro Bound School Leavers Book
For a wacky and creative option, select the Fun Doodles - Personalised A5 Wiro Bound School Leavers Book.
Add photos to bring your book to life
Using the extra pages in the leavers' book as a scrapbook is the perfect way to showcase all of your photos of your children throughout primary school. You can get them to help you select a few with their best friends or ones that capture important school trips and momentous events. Perhaps they have awards that they've won during primary school that you could also add to the leavers' book to keep them safe and secure in one place.

Featured Product: Sports Jersey - A5 School Leavers Book
You can choose a shape and size of book that will accommodate these extra items. For an upright A5 version, for instance, you could select the Sports Jersey book.
Make them totally personalised
There's nothing children like better than a customised item that bears their name and the school leavers' book is no exception. With our personalised options at Dotty About Paper, you can opt for a cover that has your boy or girl's name right on the front. Not only will this be a delight for your child, but it will also help you quickly identify which book is theirs amongst all of the other students.

Featured Product: Neat Pencil - Red - Personalised A5 Wiro Bound School Leavers Book
You can try the Neat Pencil Personalised A5 Wiro Bound School Leavers Book in red, or opt for another bright colour.
Browse our full collection of school leavers' books on our website or contact us today for more information.