How to Write a Mother's Day Card
Mother's Day is the perfect excuse to spoil your mum! Whether you're treating her to a special gift, a day out, or a lovely dinner, one thing is for certain - a handwritten card is the perfect complement to your plans!
Of course, there's no one else in the world like your mum, so it's important to write a special message just for her. Here are some ideas to get you started. We've got messages for all sorts of mothers, as well as inspiration for cards to grandmas, step-mums, and those special ladies who have been just like a mother to you!

For Your Mother
You know your mum best, so let her personality be your guide! If she's caring and kind, write a heartfelt message about how much you appreciate her:
"Through all the ups and downs, you've always been there for me. I'll always be here for you, too!"
"You make our home the happiest place in the world."
Maybe your mum is all about fun and games! Add some cheeky fun to her card this year:
"You really are the best mum ever - after all, you made me!"
"You're a little cheesy, but you're still a 'grate' mum!"

For a strong and inspirational mother, you could mention how much they've inspired you:
"Thank you for inspiring me to follow my dreams."
"You're my role model! Thanks for teaching me all I know."
Here are some cute messages for if you have two mums:
"Two moms, twice the hugs! Thank you for always being there for me."
"Most people only get one mum - I'm lucky enough to have two!"
"To my amazing mummies, sending you all my love on Mother's Day!"

You can also include a beautiful quote about motherhood:
"Sometimes the strength of motherhood is greater than natural laws." - Barbara Kingsolver
"I realized when you look at your mother, you are looking at the purest love you will ever know." - Mitch Albom
"All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother." - Abraham Lincoln
"A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take." - Gaspard Mermillod
Want more? We love these Mother's Day quote ideas from Good Housekeeping!
For Your Grandmother
For many of us, our grandmothers have also been a very special part of our lives. So why not thank them this Mother's Day, too? Here are some cute ideas for your card:
"Dear Grandma, thank you for spoiling me rotten! Today, it's my turn to spoil you!"
"As if having an amazing mother wasn't enough, I have an amazing grandmother, too."
"Your hugs are the best, nan! Thank you for all your love and care."

'You're Just Like a Mum' Messages
She might not technically be your mother, but she's been a real mum to you! Thank the special woman in your life who has always been looking out for you, be it your step-mum, adoptive mom, a big sister, or your office mom.
"So you're not 'technically' my mum, but you give me chocolate when I'm sad, let me sleep in your house, and wash my laundry… You're basically the best mum ever!"
"You're my role model, and I hope to be half as amazing as you someday."
"Whenever I felt like I needed a mom, I realised I already had you."
"Happy Mother's Day to the most incredible woman I know."