What is a Christening vs a Baptism?
Welcoming a new child into the family is such an exciting time. If you have had a baby, you may be thinking about baptising or christening your child. What are the differences between these religious rites?
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Baptism is a ceremony dating back before Christianity. It is one of the traditional sacraments that admits a person into the Christian community. Unlike a christening, a baptism is for all ages (apart from some religious groups that don't practise infant baptism).
Christenings are a more recent ceremony, originating around the 14th century. A christening is similar to a baptism, but it focuses on the child's naming ceremony. The baby will be 'christened' with their name, and gifts are usually given to the parents. Because of this, christenings are for small children only. Many people today also view christenings as a more symbolic occasion than a strictly religious one.